A walking tour through Leeuwarden is the best way to discover the city. But if you can’t come over in person. We will bring Leeuwarden to you on a virtual tour!
Corona Update: We have restarted offering public and private tours in English again since February 2022. Please sign up beforehand. Stay safe!

About the Tour
Our guides will be walking in the city and will broadcast the tour live. We’ve broadcasted our virtual tours on a private Facebook or instagram group. But we are open to discuss other ways if that is preferred. Get in touch with us to see what is possible.
Our guides got a lot of experience doing virtual tours during the Lockdown. We’ve got all the equiptment (stabalizer and microphone) and knowlledge and we still love to offer a virtual tour for people who can’t come to Leeuwarden in person.
Practical information
We can offer a virtual tour in English, German, Dutch or Spanish
Our virtual tours cost 85 euro for a tour of 1 hour. Two of our guides will be broadcasting the tour with a mobile phone. Together they will film, guide and keep an eye on the comment/questions. Our prices are including 21% VAT and we can send you an invoice. It is also possible to do a budget version with only one guide filming, guiding and keeping an eye on the comments. This costs 50 euro.

Request for a Virtual Tour
Watch a previous broadcasted virtual Tour
In the spring of 2020 we’ve broadcasted several virtual tours. Most of them were in Dutch, but we also did one in English and one in German.
To get acces to these tour, you have to buy a ticket for €3,99. This is a big support for our guides, who go through a hard time. Guiding people in Leeuwarden is what we like to do best. But because of Corona we can’t do this, which also means we do not have any income. By buying a ticket, you not only get a really nice tour, but you also help your guide.